Saturday, September 4, 2010

The big move

Since I am here to document milestones I have to mention a big change that occured in our household this week. It was neither planned nor pleasant for me, the mommy, the one who spent 9 months literally attached to each of my children and then emotionally and somewhat physically attached to them ever since.
Yes, we (and I use we loosely) decided it was time to reclaim our bedroom and move the kids to their own room.
This was no easy task for me , the mommy, the one who carried them for 9 months etc.,etc...
So I tried to plead my case:
"but I can't sleep without them!"
"what if one of them gets sick?"
"what if there is a fire?"
"they can't go on without me!"
"they will pitch a fit!"

"They will be fine" says DH, apparently he doesn't remember the Discovery Channel show we watched about the Burmese python that crawls into a baby's crib at night and squeezes him to death while the parents down the hall are in the middle of their REM cycle.

C'mon! Who is going to watch over my babies? Whose angelic face will I gaze into with one eye open as I stumble into the bathroom in the middle of the night? Who is going to drool on my pillow and fill up my bed with action figures and pointy objects?

All of this is either coming out of my mouth or going through my head as we prepared for the first night of eternal separation. I got a knot in my stomach as we did out pre-bedtime routine and prepared myself for the worst. Then, we put them both in their beds and leave their room quickly before I can change my mind and so I can go seek professional help.

A few minutes later as I am waiting for the crying to start and secretely hoping it wouldn't work out I peek my head in just to see how long it will be before I can drag their beds back down the hall and I find that they are both asleep!
Oh the betrayal! They need me! How can they do this to me? They have forgotten about me already and they're still in diapers and princess panties!

Next thing you know I will be moving them into a college dorm and asking them if they think there's room for a cot for me. Nothing fancy, just a little place in the corner where I can listen to them sleep while I plot a way to let me live with them forever.


  1. this is hilarious. I love the way you write. You blog/write the way I want to blog/write :)
